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St Augustine's CatholicPrimary School

Year 2

Year 2: Miss Stone

Class Saint: St Carlo Acutis 

RE and Catholic Life:

As a Catholic School, RE and Catholic living is part of our daily practise. We pray three times a day, first thing in the morning when the children come in, before lunch and at the end of the day. Children are also encouraged to write their own prayers which are displayed on our RE table. On a Monday we have our Gospel assembly with our Key Stage, this gives us a chance to reflect on the Gospel. During the Assembly, we take time to listen to the Gospel, answer questions and reflect about what we are going to do this week to show we have listened to the Gospel. After our assembly, we then go through the wondering question and discuss what we will do this week. This is then put on our RE board so the children are able to reflect on their actions each day.

On a Wednesday morning, we have hymn practise and this gives us a chance to practise hymns that we sing in Mass. On a Thursday, Chaplaincy team come to our class and discuss the Wednesday word with us. This again gives us a chance to listen to the Gospel and then think about a specific word and what it means. The Chaplaincy team also give us different activities to complete. RE is taught for 2 and a half hours each week. Each week, our lessons are cross curricular, we tend to have one creative lesson and one lesson which focuses on writing. We have prayer and liturgy.

Our Class Charter:

Our class rules have been created and signed by the children. These are reviewed each half term and the children are reminded of our rules daily.

Class Information

Our Class Motto is: Be Kind and Show Respect

Our class rules are:

  • Be kind to others
  • Help others in class or outside
  • Listen to our teacher and adults around the school
  • Have kind hands and feet
  • To be careful when playing outside
  • To line up and move around the school silently
  • Treat others how you would like to be treated
  • When inside we will use our quiet voices
  • Wash our hands properly

Spelling Test takes place in Literacy lessons on: Friday

Curriculum Information - Termly Curriculum information is available under the 'Curriculum' tab on the School Website.

Our Educational visit will be arranged during the Spring/Summer term

  • Our Class assembly will be on: 
  • Our School Council Representatives are: Rafael and Luna
  • Our Teaching and Learning Representatives are: Vienna and Alex
  • Eco-Council Representatives are: Adeo and Khaleesi 


  • P.E takes place twice a week on Wednesday and Friday afternoon.
  • Children need to come to school with their PE kits on these days.
  • Daily Timetable
  • Children will be undertaking Maths and Literacy lessons in the morning as well as Guided Reading and Handwriting practise.
  • Phonics will be taking place twice daily.
  • We will also be carrying out a Maths Fluency session daily.
  • The children will carry out foundation subjects in the afternoon, such as, Geography, PE, Science, History, Art and DT.
  • RE takes place for two and a half hours every week. This includes half an hour of RSE.
  • PSHE and Wellbeing lessons and assemblies will also be taking place over each half term.


Books will be changed on a Monday and a Friday. Reading Records must be signed to show the book has been read and give comments to show how your child has read and understood the pages or book they read. Children are to bring their books in daily, so that one to one reading can take place.

Homework will be set on a Friday via TEAMS, please complete the homework in the homework book and return it to school by Wednesday so it can be marked and returned on the Friday. Homework includes, weekly spellings linked to our Phonics which should be written into sentences and a weekly maths sheet focusing on key skills. There is also a Maths retrieval sheet that looks at previous skills that the children have been taught.


  • Fresh fruit is provided each break time for the children.

Please ensure your child brings in a drinking bottle filled with water each day. Ideally this should have a sports cap.

Meet the Teacher

Times Table Rock Star Login

Please click on the icon below to access your Times Table Rock Star login

rockstar login

Letter-Join Login

Please click on the icon below to access your Letter-Join login


Please click on the documents below to access Class 2 Recommended Reading Lists.


St Augustine's Catholic
Primary School

Riversmead, Hoddesdon,
EN11 8DP

08:00 - 16:30

01992 463549