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Year 3 - Mr White

Class Saint: St. Mary of Egypt 

RE and Catholic Life: 

As a Catholic School, RE and Catholic living is part of our daily practise. We pray three times a day, first thing in the morning when the children come in, before lunch and at the end of the day. Children are also encouraged to write their own prayers which are displayed on our RE table. On a Monday we have our Gospel assembly with our Key Stage, this gives us a chance to reflect on the Gospel. During the Assembly, we take time to listen to the Gospel, answer questions and reflect about what we are going to do this week to show we have listened to the Gospel. After our assembly, we then go through the wondering question and discuss what we will do this week. This is then put on our RE board so the children are able to reflect on their actions each day.  

On a Wednesday morning, we have hymn practise and this gives us a chance to practise hymns that we sing in Mass. On a Thursday, Chaplaincy team come to our class and discuss the Wednesday word with us. This again gives us a chance to listen to the Gospel and then think about a specific word and what it means. The Chaplaincy team also give us different activities to complete. RE is taught for 2 and a half hours each week. Each week, our lessons are cross curricular, we tend to have one creative lesson and one lesson which focuses on writing.  We have prayer and liturgy. 

Our RE topic this half term is 'Jesus at Prayer'

Our focus question that we have been thinking about is: 

What are the key stories in your community?

Challenge: Why was your school given its name?


Class Information

Our Class Motto is: We put the SUPER into SUPERHEROES.

Our class rules are:


  • We will look after our classroom and resources.
  • We will use kind hands and words.
  • We will be kind and respectful to others.
  • We will help others.
  • We will listen to everyone.
  • We will be honest, tell the truth and apologise.
  • We will be happy! 


 Timestables and Spelling tests on: Friday! 

Our Educational visit will be arranged during the Spring/Summer Term.

Curriculum Information - Termly Curriculum information is available under the 'Curriculum' tab on the School Website.

Our First Holy Communion Class assembly will take place in June.

Our School Council Representatives are: Nana and Bonnie

Our Teaching and Learning Representatives are: John and Olivia 

Our ECO Representatives are: Luca and Alessia 

PE Lessons take place on: Monday

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